As promised, here is a selection of a few recent photographs from Bryce Canyon, Zion, and Death Valley, which opened this morning although I did take an illicit photograph of is last night. When I checked into the Furnace Creek Ranch last night, I confessed to the woman behind the desk that I had done this, and she said great word for it. Our customers have been doing this all week. This morning, as I left the sunrise at Zabriske Point, I saw a ranger opening up the restrooms. How nice that people don't have to break the law to see land that belongs to all of us...
Every time I got to Bryce, I am astonished by what I see. No one could dream up these hoodoos. They are truly stranger than fiction. It is easy to spend hours trying to figure out what you see in them. A much better way to spend your time that watching television or playing video games. There are great expanses to enjoy, as well as captivating individual formations. I am so glad it opened in time the day I was leaving and that I was able to book an extra night.
Hoodoos at Sunset ©Lynne Buchanan |
Sunrise Bryce Canyon ©Lynne Buchanan |
Zion, I believe, is my favorite park, although I have yet to process my photographs from Yellowstone. Somehow, I was too busy enjoying all the varied sites and animals while I was there that I never had time to work on the computer... In any event, the grandeur of Zion is unmistakable and makes an impression on everyone who steps foot in that park. The long hike to Observation Point has wildflowers, tall canyon walls, and dramatic overlooks. The walks by the Emerald Pools and river are equally beautiful in their own right.
Zion Canyon Walls ©Lynne Buchanan |
Sunset Zion Canyon ©Lynne Buchanan |
Observation Point ©Lynne Buchanan
Death Valley is always a special place to visit. Just driving through is an incredible experience and always makes me want to get a motorcycle, although I don't trust my coordination enough for that!! I arrived just in time for sunset, where a group of people were all enjoying the view illegally... I was going to sleep in, but then I woke up anyway. My unconscious must have recognized that it is not every day you can wake up in Death Valley and it is the best time of day to view the formations. The colors are amazing and then the first rays of light are magic.
Lynne - these are beautiful.