Sunday, February 23, 2014

Have Faith, Walk to the Edge, and Jump Into Life

Escalante in Living Color ©Lynne Buchanan

“It is important to have faith, walk to the edge, close your eyes and jump.” So said Robert Mirabal as he was introducing The Music of the Sun Choral Ensemble from New Music New College to the stage.  These singers closed their eyes and jumped into creating a riveting ceremonial piece with Grammy winning Native American flutist Robert Mirabal and Ethel, a highly acclaimed string quartet that has been ensemble-in-residence in the Grand Canyon Music Festival for the past nine years.  As I sat in the audience, I too closed my eyes and jumped fully into the spiritual experience created by these amazing musicians as they took a leap of faith and crossed over cultural differences to connect on a multitude of levels that took the audience into new realms. 

As Robert Mirabal breathed spirit across the openings of his flute and Ethel created a driving beat with the choral members toning and chanting, my chest seemed to keep expanding to allow the spirit that entered my own being to swirl inside and remove all blocks within.  I recently spent time in New Mexico and visited Taos where Robert Mirabal is from, so I was very open to the lessons from his culture that he shared as part of the performance.  I own a couple of Native American flutes and one of the highlights of my recent cross country journey was when I played the flute on a rocky overlook in Escalante National Monument as the heavens put on a miraculous show and the evening light painted the rocks a multitude of colors that filled me with awe.  The Native American flute allows our own unique voices and connection to spirit to flow freely when we play from our hearts, no matter what level of proficiency, though of course it is even more incredible when you hear someone who has played from his heart for much of his life.  Again, I was primed for a spiritual experience, yet I did not expect to be as moved as I was.  

Upon reflection, I realized it was the synthesis created by all these musicians and spiritual beings on the stage that created the depth of my experience.  It was the Native American tradition integrating seamlessly with western traditions that took the indigenous music to new heights, and of course the addition of voice.  The other day my friend Betsey told me that religious services always incorporate choirs because when people sing they tend to breathe in unison.  This creates a powerful sense of oneness and shared community, which is also what happens during Native American rituals.  As I listened to the combination of varied musical traditions the door to the collective unconscious was opened and my whole being was brought into the moment, my consciousness, my larger Self, my connection with nature, and all of human experience. 

When I got home, it suddenly dawned on me that I have been sitting on the sidelines waiting to jump fully into my life.  I have been practicing courage by doing small things and then facing increasingly challenging experiences, like riding on zip lines, going rock climbing with ropes, hiking into remote areas alone, and driving 13,000 miles around the country by myself on a personal vision quest.  I thought these were all ways of jumping into life, but I see now they were just practice for the next big shift in my life.  Still, practice is important, even when it seems like it is in a non-related area.  The New Music New College coral group had never participated in a Native American ritualistic performance before, but I know under the direction of Stephen Miles they have practiced, improvised, and sang from their souls before.  This is why they were able to perform in perfect synchronicity with the other musicians.  If babies suddenly tried to stand without inch worming on their bellies and crawling first, they wouldn’t be able to, and if they were suddenly propped up by some random act of grace, they would fall. 

Everything happens in its own time.  We should not judge another for the stage they are in or feel like we are lacking if we are stuck and not ready for radical spiritual transformation.  There is just more work and practice to be done.  All humans are capable of spiritual growth.  The problem is that time is running out and if we don’t access the spiritual dimension of our lives and shift our world-view to one of peace, compassion, and respectful co-existence in the web of life we call home, it will be too late for our planet.

I feel ready to have faith, close my eyes, and jump by taking my work in this life to a new level.  I have been pursuing the path of the artist to discover my authentic being, but now I see the value of art is increased when it aspires to be of service by shifting cultural paradigms. My daily rituals of practicing courage are removing obstacles of self-doubt, and I no longer worry so much why anyone should listen to me.  My voice is connected to something beyond me and my desire to speak and photograph comes from a love of existence.  I am talking for the oppressed–for the trees, rivers, people and beings whose rights have been taken away from them and whose voices have been silenced or are no longer heard.  Robert Mirabal said Native Americans believe trees talk to each other and to us, only westerners don’t know how to listen.  My experiences as a photographer have taught me to hear the words of nature and express them through my work.  Appreciation of the ways of indigenous peoples, fully connecting with my own artistic and spiritual heritages, and openness to the collective unconscious are giving me the tools to turn on my inner light and a way to show others how to connect with their own light, which every human being possesses inside.  We must all do this if we are to survive.  This is the only army the world needs right now. 

So what are you waiting for?  Close your eyes and jump into life with love…

Kissing Owls ©Lynne Buchanan

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day: Finding the Love Within

Seductive Camelia ©Lynne Buchanan

Last week, I was at the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens in Gainesville and once again experienced a deep connection with flowers that can only be described as love.  The camellias and azaleas were in full bloom.  First, I came across this blossom that was fully open with drops of pollen dotting the petals.  The one bit of white amidst all the sensuous red was a touch of innocence that created a breathing space  and also a sense of fragility.  I wandered for hours in the gardens, amazed that each blossom could be so different and enticing.

Bee Drawn to the Nectar of Life ©Lynne Buchanan
I came across another blossom that this one bee could not leave alone.  For ten minutes or so, I watched him feed, taking off and settling again in so many places within the heart, as if he were exploring every way he could draw sustenance from this incredible blossom.

Camelia Opening and Closing ©Lynne Buchanan

When the bee finally left, I understood why he might have been so magnetized by this flower.  The petals were wide open, yet the stamen were simultaneously folding in on themselves.  It was a perfect metaphor for love.  Though my heart is expansive to include benevolent feelings for all living beings, it also contracts and draws in with a tender appreciation for my own being which has taken all my life to develop.  Often it is our own worthiness that we accept last, yet only if we love ourselves can we truly love another.

Abundance of the Heart ©Lynne Buchanan

As I headed back to my car, I came across this tucked away section of the garden I have never stumbled upon before, with a statue of a little monk praying.  Someone had put a camellia on his head and bills and coins had been randomly tossed upon him for good luck.  Meditating on the statue, it struck me how I previously associated abundance with material possessions and being loved by another.  Yet, after spending so much time in nature connecting with divine beauty manifested on this earth, I have come to see true abundance is recognizing that love is in fact limitless and can be born anew within us each day.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

An Ordinary Stroll in Extraordinary Life

White Camealia Heart ©Lynne Buchanan

The possibility exists to discover extraordinary/ordinary miracles in life every moment we are alive, if we just open our eyes or open to our breath.  My friend Bruce Black, a wonderful writer, posted a beautiful blog the other day about yoga and breathing and the gift of time that has stayed with me all week.  Bruce writes that no moment is ever truly ordinary.  I would agree with him and neither is anything in this world.  You and I are not ordinary either, as we possess the gift of awareness that allows us to recognize and celebrate the magic of life moment to moment if we only remove the cobwebs that are obscuring our vision and understanding and really see with our whole beings.

The other morning on a walk around Micanopy with my dog, I saw this beautiful camellia on a tree by a fence post at the edge of someone's yard.  It was fully open, revealing its golden heart, which was protected only by its soft white petals.  The innocence of life, its vulnerability and incredible beauty as manifested in this small flower was instantly seared in my own heart.  All I had with me was my iPhone,  but thankfully they have such good cameras now and I was able to get very close without trespassing–something that I am always very cognizant of even when walking in preserves or natural areas.  We share this world with many life forms, who exist in habits that we can easily disturb.

I am grateful for the miracles of modern technology, like my iPhone, as long as they are used towards a good end and not to destroy or mutate the natural world.  It is hard if not impossible to live without a foot in both worlds and I accept that, though it is important to be cognizant of the resources technology uses and the effects it has on the ecosystem and reduce waste whenever possible.  The advances we have made with respect to computers, the speed of data transfer, being able to see what is happening across the world in real time, these are all amazing accomplishments.  Still, my morning walks, my forays into nature to meditate and make photographs, each time I look out the window and notice the clouds and trees and flowers that graciously share this planet with us, these are the moments that truly connect me with life.  When I experience these connections directly with all my senses, I am grateful for each breath I take and all that is alive around me.  And how lucky are we that when we choose to notice, we get to see such lovely miracles on "ordinary" strolls in our extraordinary lives.