Eelgrass ©Lynne Buchanan

Wakulla Springs at Dusk ©Lynne Buchanan
As the sun was seting on the first day of my adventure, I
was filled with gratitude for existence and the mystery of life. I had set off from the doctor’s office after
hearing good news regarding a recent health scare. The whole drive up to Wakulla I was noticing
more details of everything I saw along the road, as if suddenly the whole world
was more vibrant. I was listening to Blue Highways by William Least Heat-Moon
and his descriptions of what he saw driving the back roads inspired me to get
off the Interstate near Tarpon Springs and drive through Homossasa Springs,
Crystal River, and Otter Creek before crossing the Santa Fe
and heading west through the forests to reach my destination.
When I arrived in the State Park where the lodge is located,
I went down to the springs right away.
The water was very dark because of all the rain. The sea grasses were still evident below the
water, though typically they are much more visible. (The state of the springs is actually quite tragic, but more about that tomorrow. As it was the first day of my journey, I was focusing on the positive.) I decided not to swim and instead went on a
short hike to a footbridge that crossed a small stream off the main
spring. I stayed on the bridge as dusk
settled in listening to the fish jump and warding off mosquitoes. It was so peaceful, aside from the bugs
biting, and the colors and reflections in the water from the sun behind me were
subtle and warm. I said a little prayer
for being there, for being able to go on this journey, and for everything in
nature that shares its energy and beauty with me.
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